26 December, 2011

Legal Knowledge::::Warrant of Arrest

A warrant is an order of the Court to arrest a person at any place he is found for being accused of an offence.
  1. The warrant of arrest is in prescribed form.
  2. The requisites of a valid warrant are as given below:
  3. The warrant of arrest shall be in writing.
  4.  It shall be signed by the presiding officer of the court.
  5.  It shall bear the name and designation of the person who is to execute it.
  6. It must indicate the clear name and address of the accused.
  7. It should state the offence with which those accused are charged.
  8. It should indicate the date of the issue of the warrant of arrest.

The warrant once issued will remain in force till it is executed or cancelled.
A magistrate is competent to issue a warrant of arrest for the production of a person before his own court.
The magistrate is not competent to issue a warrant of arrest for the production of a person before a police official.

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