Delhi state consumer commission is reeling under the pressure of mounting backlog of pending cases due to growing awareness among consumers about their rights and mounting appeals. To deal with this problem, the commission has now come up with a new way of resolving disputes.
With the launch of its own mediation centre, consumer courts have facilitated litigants to avoid going through a protracted litigation and instead take their complaint to the mediation centre where they can resolve their disputes without the hassle of court hearings. Celebrating the National Consumer Day on Friday, officials said that the move is proving beneficial as there are cases that have been pending for as long as eight years.
According to the official data, around 600 appeals, which come from 10 different district consumer forums, and around 700 other cases are pending before Delhi state consumer commission. “Despite having a good disposal record, cases keep coming and hence a backlog is created making it difficult to deal with them,’’ said a Delhi state consumer commission official.
The official added that the mediation centre is now helping the court in settling the disputes amicably between the parties and, hence, it becomes a favourable option among litigants as they do not have to hire a lawyer to fight their cases.
Though the Consumer Protection Act provides the consumer with an option of presenting their appeal before the court without engaging a lawyer, very few exercise this option. “The mediation centre is an inexpensive way to settle disputes,’’ official said.
Nand Kumar, a consumer who had come to the district consumer forum with his complaint against a hospital, jumped at the idea of the mediation centre and said he plans to approach it as that will save him from the hassle of hiring a lawyer and coming for court hearings.
Source:- The Times of India 26 December 2010 Delhi Page No.7
With the launch of its own mediation centre, consumer courts have facilitated litigants to avoid going through a protracted litigation and instead take their complaint to the mediation centre where they can resolve their disputes without the hassle of court hearings. Celebrating the National Consumer Day on Friday, officials said that the move is proving beneficial as there are cases that have been pending for as long as eight years.
According to the official data, around 600 appeals, which come from 10 different district consumer forums, and around 700 other cases are pending before Delhi state consumer commission. “Despite having a good disposal record, cases keep coming and hence a backlog is created making it difficult to deal with them,’’ said a Delhi state consumer commission official.
The official added that the mediation centre is now helping the court in settling the disputes amicably between the parties and, hence, it becomes a favourable option among litigants as they do not have to hire a lawyer to fight their cases.
Though the Consumer Protection Act provides the consumer with an option of presenting their appeal before the court without engaging a lawyer, very few exercise this option. “The mediation centre is an inexpensive way to settle disputes,’’ official said.
Nand Kumar, a consumer who had come to the district consumer forum with his complaint against a hospital, jumped at the idea of the mediation centre and said he plans to approach it as that will save him from the hassle of hiring a lawyer and coming for court hearings.
Source:- The Times of India 26 December 2010 Delhi Page No.7
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