31 July, 2021

Importance of the Study of the Criminology

Criminology is concerned with the causes of crime and comprises (a) criminal biology, which investigates causes of criminality that may be found in the mental and physical constitution of the delinquent himself, such as hereditary tendencies and physical defects, (b) criminal sociology, which deals with enquiries into the effect of an environment as a cause of criminality.

The following important factors necessitate the study of criminology:-

  1. To know the actual amount spent in a year for controlling the crime- The crime involves investigation and prosecution in the court, the state machinery being involved to a large extent. Thus, the offences against human body and property, offences of social economic nature, offences concerning the environmental pollution and water pollution, offences against the state, offences of tax evasion, offences relating to the labour and factory problems all involve heavy burden on public exchequer a combined survey of which can reveal the actual amount spent in a year. This is one of the important factors necessitating the study of the crime problem.
  2. To know the reasons which make a man criminal- It is generally believed that the criminal is not born but the circumstances and social surroundings make a man criminal. What are the reasons which make man criminal? A child is innocent and adorable but as he grows, he adopts different traits in his life and sometimes delinquency and criminality become part of his life and during adult life also he behaves in the same fashion. Criminology aims to study it.
  3. Knowledge of criminology is essential for professionals and social workers-The knowledge of criminology is also necessary for certain professionals and also for those who want to provide social services. Thus for the Magistrates, the Police, the Prision Officials, the Probation and Parole authorities, it is necessary to have the adequate knowledge of crime and the criminal behavior for  dealing with the criminals in a humane manner so that the criminals may not only be punished but adequately reformed. It is also generally accepted that the criminals are not beyond redemption. They can be brought in the main stream of society. May criminals have great humane instinct and can do great sacrifices for the cause of humanity.
  4. Knowledge of criminology is essential for legislators- The study of criminology is important for the knowledge for the causes which lead to the criminal behavior and also for the proper punishment to the criminals. The punishment does not aim retribution only so that the offender may meet out the behavior proportionate to his acts. The aim of criminology is to study the criminal behavior and its causes so that the criminal must be reformed or those things or circumstances must be done away which shape his criminal character. The criminal law is important because it aims to secure an orderly society. The study of criminology is also important for the orderly society. If our legislators have the background of criminology, they will enact the laws commensurate to the order, peace and well-being of society.
  5. Knowledge of criminology is necessary for police officers- If our police-officers are well trained to deal with criminals, they may, as responsible officers, play vital role not only in apprehending the criminals and bringing them to the book but also in preventing the commission of the crimes with a rational approach.
  6. Knowledge of criminology is necessary for magistrate, judges and students of law- A magistrate or a Judge having a criminological background while awarding the sentences to the offender may have the attitude of his reformation also in the greater interest of the society. A prison official who has studied criminology may, during the incarceration  of a criminal, give him such treatment as may change the whole philosophy of the prisoner and his consequential behavioral impact on the society. Criminology if prescribed as a subject in different courses in the schools and universities may give sound background to the students to serve better the society in whatever walk of life they are placed.
  7. Knowledge of criminology is necessary to know the novel techniques of crime and punishment- It is also necessary for us to have the knowledge of different legal systems as to how the crimes and criminals are dealt with. The past practice and the present trends must be studies comparatively so as to have the better understanding of the modern approach in the context of our own socio-legal system. The subject is of ever growing importance due to novel crimes and novel techniques of the crimes and the punishment and the therapeutic treatment at the correctional centres.


Legal Point Foundation, Email Id.:- legalbuddy@gmail.com

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