21 June, 2011

Female Special: :Legal Tip of the Day:-Legal Safeguards to Women from Domestic Violence Under The Protection Of Women From Domestic Violence Act, 2005

Domestic violence is a hidden problem in India, as the home is considered a private space under the control of the male head of the household. Women are seen as traitors by the family when they report violence. Domestic violence can occur in any social and economic context, in affluent and poor households, in developed and developing countries, literate and illiterate, educated and uneducated; all types of women are victims. Violence against women puts huge pressure on a nation’s socio-economic fabric resulting in heavy losses in terms of productivity. Economically dependent women are generally found to be more vulnerable to violence. The Act named The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005 has been enacted to give protection to women from domestic violence. Females has the following rights in domestic violence:-

  • Assistance of protection officer, service providers or the other in charge of the nearest PS in registering your compliant and filing an application for relief.
  • Receive protection for you and your children from act of domestic violence
  • Right to measures and orders protecting you against the particular danger or insecurities you or your child are facing.
  • To stay in the house and to seek restrain an other person residing in the same house, from interfering with or disturbing peaceful enjoyment of the house and the amenities, facilities therein by you or your children
  • To regain possession of your Stridhan, jewellery, clothes of daily use are other household goods .
  • To get medical assistance, shelter, counseling any legal aid
  • To restrain the person committing domestic violence against you from contacting you or communicating with you in any manner.
  • To get compensation any physical or mental injury or any other monetary loss due to domestic violence
  • To file complaint or application for relief under the act directly to the court .
  • To get the copies of any statements recorded by any authority is connection with domestic violence.
  • The assistance of protection officer or the police to rescue you from any danger.

Team, Legal Point Foundation
For any Legal query :
Deepak Miglani Advocate(09958086337, 09215514435,36,37)

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