Over 1000 cases of electricity dispute were settled on Saturday by the Delhi high court at the Weekend Lok Adalat. The special Lok Adalat, held to dispose of cases at the pre-litigative stage, saw a tremendous response when litigants flocked the high court to get their dispute settled without much hassle.
Three judges of Delhi high court efficiently disposed of 1300 cases pertaining to electricity agencies BYPL, BRPL and NDPL and also managed to settle 42 writ petitions, civil suits and criminal appeals that have been pending before the HC.
Justicees P K Bhasin, Ajit Bharihoke and A K Pathak presided over the Lok Adalat along with lawyer members and helped disputing parties reach settlement in writ, criminal and civil disputes while 20 more benches presided over by the district court judges were constituted for taking up the electricity matters at pre-litigative stage.
To ensure the smooth functioning of the Weekend Lok Adalat, Chief Justice of Delhi high court Justice Dipak Misra, who is also the Patron-in-Chief, Delhi High Court Legal Services Committee, along with Justice A K Sikri personally saw the proceedings of the Lok Adalat. The momentum of work of the benches in the court increased by afternoon with people coming in huge numbers and the HC was jampacked by evening. The huge response led to Lok Adalats working till 6pm.
With the response of Saturday’s Lok Adalat, the HC will now extend the benefit to the litigants by holding a special electricity Lok Adalat on Sunday. ‘‘It is going to be a walk-in dispute settlement option at Lok Adalats on Sunday. We expect about 1500 cases to come up before the HC and the judges will strive to settle maximum cases possible. This is the best way to sort out disputes,’’ said Gautam Manan, project officer, Delhi Legal Services Authority.
Source:- The Times of India 12 December 2010 Delhi Page 5
For any querry:- legalbuddy@gmail.com
Three judges of Delhi high court efficiently disposed of 1300 cases pertaining to electricity agencies BYPL, BRPL and NDPL and also managed to settle 42 writ petitions, civil suits and criminal appeals that have been pending before the HC.
Justicees P K Bhasin, Ajit Bharihoke and A K Pathak presided over the Lok Adalat along with lawyer members and helped disputing parties reach settlement in writ, criminal and civil disputes while 20 more benches presided over by the district court judges were constituted for taking up the electricity matters at pre-litigative stage.
To ensure the smooth functioning of the Weekend Lok Adalat, Chief Justice of Delhi high court Justice Dipak Misra, who is also the Patron-in-Chief, Delhi High Court Legal Services Committee, along with Justice A K Sikri personally saw the proceedings of the Lok Adalat. The momentum of work of the benches in the court increased by afternoon with people coming in huge numbers and the HC was jampacked by evening. The huge response led to Lok Adalats working till 6pm.
With the response of Saturday’s Lok Adalat, the HC will now extend the benefit to the litigants by holding a special electricity Lok Adalat on Sunday. ‘‘It is going to be a walk-in dispute settlement option at Lok Adalats on Sunday. We expect about 1500 cases to come up before the HC and the judges will strive to settle maximum cases possible. This is the best way to sort out disputes,’’ said Gautam Manan, project officer, Delhi Legal Services Authority.
Source:- The Times of India 12 December 2010 Delhi Page 5
For any querry:- legalbuddy@gmail.com
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