The Madras high court on Tuesday set aside the appointment of M S Ananth as director of Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, holding that he had not been appointed by the Council, the central body for IITs, as required by law.
Ananth, who had served for five years as director from December 2001, had been reappointed for another five years, or till he completes 65 years of age, whichever was earlier, with effect from July 1, 2007. The re-appointment had been made by a ‘search-cum-selection committee’ approved by the Union human resources development minister, but the court ruled that the panel had no authority to appoint an IIT director. The court took exception to the ministry handpicking “a small coterie” to select the director and criticised the absence of public notice or advertisement for such a prestigious post.
When Ananth’s first term ended on Dec 23, 2006, the IIT-M registrar issued an office order that he would continue in office till June 30, 2007. Meanwhile, the Union government sent out a circular to academicians, educationists, prominent scientists and technologies requesting them to suggest the names of eminent persons to be considered for appointment as IIT-Madras director. A few names were shortlisted on this basis, and on the basis of “personal discussions and the professional career and credentials” with these candidates, the search committee reappointed Ananth. The prior approval of the Visitor (the President of India) was also obtained before a formal offer was made to him.
Immediately after the verdict was known, an emergency meeting of deans and senior professors was held at IIT Madras to discuss the consequences. The campus is now on a year-end vacation. When contacted, Ananth said, “I am yet to receive the order. It is only a technicality that I have been removed. Therefore I do not want to comment on it.”
Source:-The Times of India Delhi 24 December 2008 P. 17
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Source:-The Times of India Delhi 24 December 2008 P. 17
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